Experience the Real Africa

ZambiaAway are independent, UK-based, African safari specialists, committed and connected to Zambia. Our Zambia safaris, many of which are based in the South Luangwa or Lower Zambezi National Parks, or in the area around Victoria Falls, offer an unforgettable experience.

We can design a Zambian safari specifically for you, based on your own individual interests and budget. We also cater for special interest activities, such as photography, birding, fishing, family safaris and honeymoons, and, in particular, walking safaris.

For more detailed information on ZambiaAway's safaris, or on Zambia itself, use the menu bar above. Ready to go?


1 item in my safari
How NOT to choose an African safari! Download our free PDF guide.

A must see addition to your visit – the totally unspoilt, amazing Victoria Falls

Victoria FallsView button

The ultimate family adventure holiday…

Family SafarisView button

An African safari – a honeymoon with a difference

HoneymoonsView button

Relax by
soaking up
the sun beside
warm tropical waters

Beach extensionsView button